First impressions - Heartless by Marissa Meyer

 Hi! Nym here. Lately I haven't read much due to not havin enough time, and when I do its mostly in english (you might remember the review of the Ask and the Answer). 

Today I'm bringing you my first impression of this wonderful book about the Alice in Wonderland universe, however it is before everything happened, before the red Queen was the sovereign. I knew I would probably enjoy this as I am a big fan of Alice in Wonderland but I didn't imagine I would like it as much as I'm doing right now. Only having read about 150 pages I find myself foolishly in love with the Joker, and as always with Marissa Meyer's incredible writing. I'm quite fond of her writing style from the Lunar Chronicles and it just got better adding this fantasy and magic environment. If you are also familiarr with the Alice universe I'm pretty sure you will also enjoy this book!

Soon (I hope) the review will be on the blog, Stay tuned on our Instagram or Twitter for more content and to see when we announce our reviews and posts!

Read you, Nym.

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