Review of Memorias de Idhún - Laura Gallego

Resultat d'imatges de memorias de idhún
Jack is a boy of 13 years old that lives in Denmark with his parents.
One day, he has the feeling that something bad is going to happen and, effectively, when he gets home, he finds his parents dead.
But the killer, called Kirtash, and his carer, Elrion the magician, are still in the house, and they aren't going to leave the house before they kill Jack.
Fortunately, two men appear (Shail a magician, and Alsan a gentelman), and take him to Limbhad, a place where Kirtash can't find them.
There, he meets Victoria (a young girl that is learning to treat) and they fall in love.
By some issues, Jack argues with Victoria and leaves Limbhad, with the objective to find Alsan.
During this distance Victoria builds a wall into her heart, but will this wall resist when they meet again?
She doesn't know it. At the same time she is falling in love with Kirtash, the killer of Jack's parents.
Now, all depends on a choice of love. Victoria must choose one of the boys because that choice defines Idhun's fate.
Personal Opinion:
MDI is a trilogy that I've read very fast and that it leaves a mark in my heart, because the characters make you feel part of the story.
Laura had maded a very complicated and interesting plot, the world that she makes is so brilliant and unusual. It has a lot of merit.
Every word shows her huge imagination.
The vocabulary is correct and formal. She avoids the repetitions, describes very well and creates fabulous characters.
If you read these books you will never forget them.
Revision of the characters:
Jack: a fantastic boy. He's sweet, kind and the best friend you could have. He's handsome, brave and very impulsive. Jack is also possessive with Victoria, one aspect that I hate (because he doesn't want to understand the relationship Vic-Kirtash). I know that this is difficult but he could make an effort.
Victoria: she is wonderful, intelligent and beautiful. She exposes herself to danger only to protect her friends.
She always feels like it's her fault and worried because of Jack's jealousy. (This kind of feelings make her feel bad when she hasn't any reasons to feel like this. In an open relationship is normal). She is strong and loves her friends. Is my favuorite character.
Kistash: an evil but seductive boy. He is amazing, brave and obstinate too. I'm in love with him.
Although he is cruel and bad, in the end he proves that he is able to die for save Victoria's life.
In addition he shows a new prototype's boy, cold and serious, but at the same time insolent and considerate.
Shail: a very good person. He's kind and sweet. He takes care about Jack and Victoria, above all her (who loves like a little daughter).
Alsan: a very serious man. He's responsible, honest and tough.
He teaches Jack about how defend himself. Alsan is so faithful.
I recommend it so much if you like fantasy books. It's the best reading I've ever made.

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